FUUCSL Marketing

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Welcome to the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Second Life's Marketing, Advertising, Promotions and Public Relations Wiki. The purpose of this wiki is to promote outreach in Second Life for Unitarian Universalism through the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Second Life's inworld presence.

This document will be divided into several sections: Actual Advertising, Results, and New Ideas.

Actual Advertising

Currently, actual advertising consists of:

1. Classified ad for L$59/week placed by UU Guru, with funds coming directly from church treasury. 2. Listing in the Places directory for L$30/week paid for by CoyoteAngel Dimsum (not positive about this part).

That's it! Not much!


Presently, the following results have been produced by the above campaigns:

1. It is uncertain exactly when ad was placed, but as of January 11, 2008, it has had 22 teleports. The ad will continue to be monitored for future teleports so that we can get an idea of the frequency of visitors.

New Ideas