Tips for Using Online Services
- Read your agreement
- Check the policies about privacy and security
- Make sure you will be notified by email of any transactions
- Transfer any funds that you have received into your account as soon as possible
- If you haven't received an email from them in a month's time, check the account to make sure there have been no transactions
- Use credit cards that will not charge you if you report that your number was stolen (most charge $50 per transaction until you notify them of theft, but I find that many will waive that if it is "identity theft" - using your number without your permission or direct access to your card)
- Use checking accounts from banks that will cover unauthorized use of your account and that don't have large sums of money in them if possible (you can set up a special account and then transfer the money to the usual account)
- Always login from your website browser, and never from an email. This will prevent you from "phishing" -- an online criminal tactic where fraudulent email is sent in an attempt to gain your account and password information.
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