Proposed Business Resolutions and Bylaws changes

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In June 2006, UUA's General Assembly voted to study and act on the issue of Peacemaking for four years, as part of the the Congregational Study Action Issue process. The description of the issue that was voted on is at In 2009 the results of the study will lead to a proposal for a Statement of Conscience on the issue.

A wealth of resources on the issue are available at

Peacemaking-network is the UUA email forum for this SAI.

In the Spring of 2007, the Washington Office For Advocacy hired Alex Winnett to be the Program Associate for Peacemaking. His two year long position will be to help congregations, individuals and affiliates navigate the CSAI on Peacemaking.

Use this page to keep track of what congregations are active, what successes and failures can be reported, etc.

Input for SAI Resource Guide

Suggestions for Ministers

Suggestions for Advocacy


  • Center for Nonviolent Communication - the work of Marshall Rosenberg and others, also known as "Compassionate Communication". Helps at all levels of peacemaking, from personal, to relationship, to congregational, to community, to politics, to the world....

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