OWL for Grades 7-9

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  • Sessions 1, 2, and 3: Intro, Values, and Language
  • Session 6: Gender Roles
  • Session 10: Gender Identity
  • Session 13: Thorny issues in Friendship|Session 13: Thorny issues in Friendship
  • Sessions 15 and 16: Lovemaking and Masturbation
  • Session 17: Contraception|Session 17: Contraception

Session 22: Decisions

Questions to ask before getting involved in intercourse

  • How do I feel about intercourse? When would it be right for me? Under what conditions and with what kind of person?
  • How does the other person feel? How do those feelings fit with my own?
  • What makes me feel I want to have intercourse right now? Is there any chance I am pressuring or exploiting them? Are they pressuring or exploiting me?
  • What do I expect it to be like? What if it’s bad and I don’t enjoy it? How would I feel about myself? About my partner?
  • How would we feel if others found out about our relationship?
  • Do I really TRUST my partner completely?
  • What if this turns in to a strictly sexual relationship and that’s all we ever do? Is that OK?
  • What extra strains might come up in our relationship once we’ve had intercourse?
  • How would I feel if we broke up?

- from Champlain Valley UU Society, Middlebury VT

Sessions 23 and 24: STDs

Sessions 25 and 26: Safety and Abuse

Session 27: Celebration and Gifts

Proposed OWL 7-9 Add-on Session on Internet Use

Books and Movies


Sawyer. He's a University of Maryland professor who teaches a very popular Human Sexuality course. Book is Q & A format, based on questions his students asked & what he taught, very funny & factual & conversational all at once.


Parent Resources

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