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Here is information for leaders of the Our Whole Lives human sexuality curriculum. Please don't post anything that's copyrighted. This information has not been reviewed or sanctioned by the UUA.
Here is information for leaders of the Our Whole Lives human sexuality curricula.  

== General ==
This information comes from members of the OWL-L mailing list, which is open only to trained OWL leaders. Anyone OWL-L list subscriber or other trained OWL leader can create and edit pages linked from this page. (Contact Margy Levine Young, margy@gurus.org, UU co-author of ''The Internet For Dummies,'' for help.) Please don't post anything that's copyrighted, including material from the printed OWL curricula. This material has not been reviewed or sanctioned by the [http://www.uua.org/ UUA].

Information sources:
* '''[[OWL material for all age groups]]'''
* '''[[OWL for Grades 7-9]]'''

* [http://www.uua.org/religiouseducation/curricula/ourwhole/ UUA OWL site]
When we have material for other age groups, we can make pages for them.  
* OWL-L email mailing list: Trained OWL leaders can subscribe to the OWL-L list by emailing owl @ uua.org
* [http://siecus.org/ Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S.]: SIECUS is headed by a really cool UU woman named Debra Haffner who attends the Westport UU congregregation in CT & is preparing for the UU ministry. Be sure to click on their "Religion & Sexuality" section.
* [http://www.ourbodiesourselves.org/book/default.asp Our Bodies Ourselves: Women's Health and Information Resource Center]
* [http://www.sexuality.org Society for Human Sexuality] out of the University of Washington
* [http://www.ejhs.org/ Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality]
* [http://answer.rutgers.edu/page/online_professionals_development/ Rutgers Answer Online]

* [http://lists.uua.org/mailman/listinfo/owl-l OWL-L mailing list]
* [[OWL-L Contract with Youth and Parents]]
* [[OWL-L Ordering Changing Bodies Changing Lives Book]]
=== Update from Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte ===
'''The Need:''' In just the last 5 years our teens have begun to rely on media for their social interactions.  The OWL curriculum we are currently using has not been updated since 1999.
We are offering supplemental material which includes movies, websites, and social media sites as a supplement to the program to hopefully more fully engage the class. The material is posted below, by session.
'''Equipment/Resource Needs:''' Will need internet connection for the webbased media, a TV for the movie & TV show clips, and a computer & projector for the powerpoint presentation; the clips may work better with the projector set up.  The following media are needed: the movie, Juno; the movie, MurderBall; the DVD of DeGrassie Season __; the documentary, (Sex)abled; a copy of the  Learning Channel's Baby Story; the website “That’s not Cool”; other optional material.
== Sessions 1, 2, and 3 ==
* [[Additional OWL 7-9 activities about values]]
== Sessions 4 and 5: Anatomy and Puberty ==
Male anatomy:
* [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Human_Physiology/The_male_reproductive_system Male reproductive system] (Wikibooks)
* [http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/images/ency/fullsize/10016.jpg Image 1]
* [http://www.tqnyc.org/2006/NYC063547//images/malereproductivesystem.jpg Image 2]
* [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/Male_reproductive_system.png Image 3] (no labels)
Female Anatomy:
* [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Human_Physiology/The_female_reproductive_system Female reproductive system] (Wikibooks)
* [http://www.wccusd.k12.ca.us/gompers/HealthScience/BodySystems/FemaleReproductiveSystem.gif Image 1]
* [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7a/Female_reproductive_system_lateral.png Image 2]
* [http://www.dhmc.org/dhmc-internet-upload/file_collection/adam_gyn_0902.jpg Image 3]
* [http://www.mum.org Museum of Menstruation (MUM)]
Body image:
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rSjh52fGTg Dove Body image] (video)
== Session 7: Disability and Sexuality ==
=== Update from Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte ===
Objective:  To provide a visual story of people with disabilities as sexual.
Recommendation: Run session as listed with the Reading and the “What would you do?” activity then take 10 minutes at the end of the session to show the movie clip from MurderBall, scene 7, A Jock.  This scene depicts men in wheelchairs talking about masturbation and how they are sexual with a partner.  May not be suitable for less mature group.  Preview both this clip and the following documentary to decide which to use with your group.  You may wish to use both and, if so, time other activities appropriately.
Alternative / Add-on – show DVD, (Sex)abled, produced by University of California students.  15 minute  Discussion questions   
* [http://www.sexsmartfilms.com/free-videos/sex-abled-disability-uncensored/ SexSmartFilms]
== Sessions 8 and 9: Sexual Orientation ==
* [http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/27/magazine/27out-t.html Coming out in Middle School] - NY Times, 9/23/2009
* ''Coming Out, Coming In:  Nurturing the Well-Being & Inclusion of Gay Youth in Mainstream Society ''(2008), by Linda Goldman. Routledge: NY. Linda is a social worker who gives talks on issues of LGBT youth.
=== Update from Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte ===
'''Objective:'''  To use visual media to discuss teen homosexuality.
'''Recommendation:''' Use the Guided Fantasy activity first; the surprise in it is what provides the most emotional reflective value.  Proceed to the Lecturettes, and then do the Match the Identity activity. Finally consider watching the Degrassi (Canadian television series about teens, at degrassi.tv) episode “Pride”, it takes about 20 minutes to run and depicts many aspects of teen homosexuality.  Take time to reflect on how we may unintentionally use degrading language and how we might not be able to be a good listener depending on our own beliefs.  Prepare for the guest panel with the fresh processing you have just accomplished.
== Session 10: Gender Identity ==
* [http://www.ejhs.org/Volume12/Gender.htm Language and gender variance: Constructing gender beyond the male/female binary] (article)
== Lovemaking and Masturbation ==
== Contraception ==
* [http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/birth-control-4211.htm Planned Parenthood on Birth Control]
* [http://www.femalehealth.com/images/FC2_Information_Sheet.pdf FC2 Female Condom]
* [[OWL-L Condom Obstacle Course]]
== STDs ==
* [http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/factsheet/FSHIVAID.HTM Fact sheet on HIV & AIDS]
* [http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/FACTSHET.HTM Listing of all fact sheets]
* [http://www.plannedparenthood.org/sti-safesex/itcant_page1.html "It Can't Happen to Me! True Stories About Kids and AIDS"]
* [http://www.plannedparenthood.org/articles/AIDS.html "The State of AIDS Today"] by Christina Tourigny
== Safety and Abuse ==
== Decision-making ==
=== Questions to ask before getting involved in intercourse ===
* How do I feel about intercourse?  When would it be right for me?  Under what conditions and with what kind of person?
* How does the other person feel?  How do those feelings fit with my own?
* What makes me feel I want to have intercourse right now?  Is there any chance I am pressuring or exploiting them?  Are they pressuring or exploiting me?
* What do I expect it to be like?  What if it’s bad and I don’t enjoy it?  How would I feel about myself?  About my partner?
* How would we feel if others found out about our relationship?
* Do I really TRUST my partner completely?
* What if this turns in to a strictly sexual relationship and that’s all we ever do?  Is that OK?
* What extra strains might come up in our relationship once we’ve had intercourse?
* How would I feel if we broke up?
== Books and Movies ==
* [http://www.goodreads.com/list/show/159.DCPL_s_Teen_GLBT_Booklist_for_OWL Elissa Webber's list of recommended GBLT books]
* [http://www.goodreads.com/list/show/165.DCPL_s_Teen_Love_Sex_Some_Romance_Booklist_for_OWL Elissa Webber's list of recommended love and sex books]
* [http://laidthebook.com/ Laid: The Book], reviewed by [http://karenrayne.com/2009/10/05/laid/ Karen Rayne]
* ''Sexpertise:  Real Answers to Real Questions about Sex'' (2008),  by Robin
Sawyer.  He's a University of Maryland professor who teaches a  very popular
Human Sexuality course.  Book is Q & A format, based on  questions his
students asked & what he taught, very funny & factual  & conversational all at once.
* [http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tW8zrK-ipBW48Ef3TQgfClg List of Movies for OWL Groups]. This is a spreadsheet of the movie recommendations that have passed through the OWL-L listserv, which leaders have found to be helpful in facilitating discussion inside and outside of the classroom lessons.
* [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/georgia/isolated/blum.html Lost Children or Lost Parents of Rockdale County] (PBS)
== Celebration and Gifts ==

Latest revision as of 03:35, 4 January 2010

Here is information for leaders of the Our Whole Lives human sexuality curricula.

This information comes from members of the OWL-L mailing list, which is open only to trained OWL leaders. Anyone OWL-L list subscriber or other trained OWL leader can create and edit pages linked from this page. (Contact Margy Levine Young, margy@gurus.org, UU co-author of The Internet For Dummies, for help.) Please don't post anything that's copyrighted, including material from the printed OWL curricula. This material has not been reviewed or sanctioned by the UUA.

When we have material for other age groups, we can make pages for them.