News aggregators
Here is a list of RSS/ATOM feed readers (aka News Aggregators)
This software can be used to stay abreast of news, your favorite bloggers, your own website, the UUWiki website, etc. It's like a merging of the web and email. When a site's content changes on a site that you are watching, you are notified via an interface that is a lot like an email client. Download one and try it by subscribing to the UUWiki Recent Changes Atom Feed!
- Windows
- SauceReader - It's free. There's a solid developer community supporting it, and it has a feed discovery feature that helps a lot. Just put a URL of the site into the reader's browser, and hit the "Subscribe" button. It will find and set up the feed subscription for you. Requires ".NET Framework v1.1"
- FeedDemon - 30 USD. Also a strong contender but recently started charging for software.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft's latest browser update added support for subscribing to and managing feeds. Subscription feed checking can be configured on a per feed basis. Also supported is scheduled downloading of feed enclosures for Podcasts or other content. Categorization within feeds is supported. Feeds can be organized using the same type of hierarchal folder organization used for favorites.
- Firefox and Thunderbird The Firefox browser provides an ability to subscribe to feeds and monitor updates by integrating feeds within its bookmark system (treating them as "live bookmarks"). Thunderbird allows users to subscribe to and read feeds in the same format used for regular email (POP and IMAP). The software is free, open source and multi platform.
- Linux (all readers are free and Open Source unless otherwise noted)
- Straw is a desktop RSS and Atom aggregator for the GNOME 2 environment, written in Python
- Liferea - Reader for RSS/RDF, CDF, Atom, OCS, and OPML feeds
- Sindigator - RSS reader, featuring notification of new messages and long term message storage
- Firefox and Thunderbird The Firefox browser provides an ability to subscribe to feeds and monitor updates by integrating feeds within its bookmark system (treating them as "live bookmarks"). Thunderbird allows users to subscribe to and read feeds in the same format used for regular email (POP and IMAP). The software is free, open source and multi platform.
- Web
- Bloglines - a web site that lets you track multiple feeds, publish your own blog, and share the feeds you like thru your own blog
- Google Reader Google's feed reader can:
- Add feeds through search, direct URL entry, or OPML file import/export
- Share feed items with other web users
- Order all feed items by date, relevance, or labels.
- Use of a mobile phone interface (for phones that support XHTML or WAP 2.0)
- Import, download and listen to podcasts without additional software
- Netvibes is a customizable news aggregator and web 2.0 home page solution. The service is free and provides the ability :
- to create a personalized page with the content they like.
- to combine data feeds and services from web 2.0 with a very simple interface
- to browse, modify, and import RSS feeds with integrated RSS/ATOM feedreader.
- to import, download and listen podcasts without any additional software
- to check mail on POP, Yahoo and gmail accounts, to stick webnotes, weather, etc.
- UUpdates - An RSS aggregator, and RSS feed for UU sites. -- JohnCooley 00:39, 17 May 2005 (CDT) The site has three main purposes:
- List Syndicated Sites, specifically provide a list Unitarian Universalist sites that provide syndication.
- Provide a News Aggregator so that people without their own aggregator (or who simply want an online aggregator) have a place to go.
- Syndicate the List of Sites for those who have aggregators and wish to check out new Unitarian Universalist syndicated sites.
- Netvibes is a customizable news aggregator and web 2.0 home page solution. The service is free and provides the ability :