Spreading the Good News About UUism
PR-L is the UUA mailing list about spreading the good news about Unitarian Univeralism, which may be known in your congregation as "public relations", "outreach", "communication", "evangelism", or "growth programs". If you have a resource to share, please add it here.
UUA Resources
- Where can I join the PR-L mailing list?
- Which are the largest congregations in the UUA?
- Where can I find the UUA's Uncommon Denomination publicity resources?
- Marketing 101 for Unitarian Universalists
Related UUWiki Resources
Links to Other Resources
- PR Documents at YahooGroups - images, .pdf, .doc, and other kinds of files allowed, but much register with YahooGroups to view and add (the email list is not being used)
Resources for Individuals and Congregations
Add your resources here by clicking the "edit" tab above. If there isn't a link here already to a new page, then you can create one by putting two brackets on both sides of the word to create a link that will become a new page - see "help" for more information.
- Slogans - for buttons, bumperstickers, T-shirts, etc.
Resources Primarily for Congregations
Add your resources here as explained above.
- Create business cards for ministers, other staff, and generic ones for the congregation - can include a slogan, name, address, phone number, web site address, and put principles on back
- Buy directional signs to your permanent building, available from a church in Maine. Information is available on the PR Documents at YahooGroups (see link above), including images and an order form; it's also listed on UU Catalog under "Highway Signs." Check with your local zoning regulations about if and where you can post them.