News aggregators
Here is a list of RSS/ATOM feed readers (aka News Aggregators)
This software can be used to stay abreast of news, your favorite bloggers, your own website, the UUWiki website, etc. It's like a merging of the web and email. When a site's content changes on a site that you are watching, you are notified via an interface that is a lot like an email client. Download one and try it by subscribing to the UUWiki Recent Changes Atom Feed!
- Windows
- SauceReader - It's free. There's a solid developer community supporting it, and it has a feed discovery feature that helps a lot. Just put a URL of the site into the reader's browser, and hit the "Subscribe" button. It will find and set up the feed subscription for you. Requires ".NET Framework v1.1"
- FeedDemon - 30 USD. Also a strong contender but recently started charging for software.
- Linux (all readers are free and Open Source unless otherwise noted)
- Straw is a desktop RSS and Atom aggregator for the GNOME 2 environment, written in Python
- Liferea - Reader for RSS/RDF, CDF, Atom, OCS, and OPML feeds
- Sindigator - RSS reader, featuring notification of new messages and long term message storage