FUUCSL minutes February 2008
UUSL Leadership Group Minutes for 2/6/08
Leadership Group Members present: Etaoin Barcelona, Sofia Freenote, Otenth Paderborn, Beacon Questi, Trouble Welles, Pomona Writer Visitors (for some or part of meeting): AnnaQuay Heart, Head Waydelich, Ludo Merit, Janu Tamura, Bizarre Berry, Reverend LeShelle
The meeting was held in the Meditation room in Modesta (Modesta 35, 108, 298) and began shortly after 6:30 pm. Otenth sent a notice to the UUSL group to invite visitors to the meeting. Otenth read opening words, we made introductions around, lit a candle in lieu of a chalice and shared joys and concerns.
Everyone, including late-arriving visitors, were asked if they had any objections to Sofia’s logging the meeting in order to make the minutes more accurate and everyone agreed.
Otenth asked everyone to look at the proposed agenda and pick two or three topics that seemed most important for our attention during our short tenure (which expires June 30, 2008). Everyone, including visitors, spoke and the following topics rose to the top of the agenda: (1) Worship – empowering worship leaders (2) Structure – especially questions of formal membership (3) Helping Etaoin prepare for GA in June
Worship: After some discussion, we agreed on the following ideas: (a) At each service, an invitation to lead a service should be made. [Who would do this was not indicated. Logically, the invitation would be made by the worship leader or by one of the Leadership Group present.] (b) Pomona will contact people who may wish to lead services (c) When notified of who will be leading services or other events, Sofia will update the Wiki, the googlecalendar, and the LL events calendar for those who do not have access to or familiarity with the programs. She will also place a notecard of up-coming service leaders and openings in the notecard distributor in Lovelace. (d) Etaoin will be the primary Backup Worship Steward, helping newcomers who are not members of the House of Wu with the logistics in Lovelace. (e) Biz will schedule try to arrange other events besides worship in Lovelace (f) Trouble will be available (with a week’s notice) to do the Saturday service for those speakers who cannot do Saturday as well as Thursday. [Note: later, Trouble has agreed to lead the Sat Feb 16 meeting.]
Structure: Pomona, Beacon and Janu agreed to meet to come up with a suggestion concerning formal membership that we can discuss at the next Leadership Group meeting.
GA: Etaoin led a discussion of his plans for GA. He is planning a powerpoint presentation and has a microphone and a projector in a 100-seat room. He hopes to be able to access SL during the presentation but we’re confident that the Linden’s will thwart that intention. We agreed to reimburse Etaoin for expenses involved in inserting two pictures (him & Sofia) in the GA program ($60). It is not clear yet whether the shots will be RL or SL or a mix – it depends on what Et can do with Photoshop. Sofia will send him .jpeg RL & SL pictures. The current proposal can be found at https://conference.uua.org/eventmanager/EmailAttachments/5ZH-43V-10H.html.
Pomona agreed to do the opening and closing words at our next meeting. Otenth read the closing words and we ended at 8: 05 PM. The next meeting will be March 5, 2008, at 6:30 PM SLT in the Conference Center (Zoshchenko 35, 206, 92)