OWL 7-9 Personal Concerns About Puberty
Put a checkmark next to any topics that interest or concern you. Circle any words or phrases you do not understand. Thanks!
_____Feelings of embarrassment during conversations about sexuality
_____ The size or shape of my penis (males) or breasts (females)
_____ The way my sex organs look or smell
_____ The frequency of method of my masturbation
_____ Having sex on my mind too much
_____ Getting someone I like to like me
_____ Understanding how other kids my age think and what they want in
_____ Wondering if I will know how to have sex
_____ Some of the dreams or fantasies I’ve had and whether or not they are
_____ Wondering when it is right for me to start being sexual with someone
_____ The effects of looking at sexy pictures, books, or movies
_____ The desire to see the nude body of a female
_____ The desire to see the nude body of a male
_____ Becoming a teen parent
_____ Getting a sexually transmitted disease like AIDS
_____ Where to get contraception (like condoms or birthcontrol pills)
_____ Being approached sexually by a male
_____Being approached sexually by a female
_____ Being uncomfortable talking to my parents about sexuality
_____ Other things: _____________________________________________________
UU Congregation of Milford, MA